Member Code of Conduct

HomeField US, Inc., DBA Kibu Member Code of Conduct

Last Updated: July 5, 2023

HomeField US, Inc., DBA Kibu is committed to the highest ideals of sport and expects all members to honor those ideals. All HomeField US, Inc., DBA Kibu members agree to the following code:


  • I will practice good sportsmanship
  • I will act in ways that bring respect to me and HomeField US, Inc., DBA Kibu
  • I will not use inappropriate language
  • I will not swear or insult other persons
  • I will not fight with other members, coaches, or staff

Training and Competition

  • I will train regularly
  • I will learn and follow the rules of each class type
  • I will listen to my coaches and ask questions when I do not understand
  • I will always try my best during classes
  • I will have fun

Responsibility for My Actions

  • I will not make inappropriate or unwanted physical, verbal or sexual advances on others
  • I will not smoke in non-smoking areas
  • I will not drink use illegal drugs during class or in-person events
  • I will not take drugs for the purpose of improving my performance
  • I will obey all laws and HomeField US, Inc., DBA Kibu rules
  • I understand that if I do not obey this Code of Conduct, I will be subject to a range of consequences by HomeField US, Inc., DBA Kibu up to and including dismissal.